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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Soon, spouses of people with open work permits will be able to work in Canada.

 Toronto: In a significant move that could help thousands of Indian professionals and other foreigners in Canada, the North American nation will, starting next year, extend its work permit eligibility to the relatives of Open Work Permit (OWP) holders in order to alleviate severe labour shortages.

Foreign nationals are permitted to work in Canada for any employer and for any job under the OWP.

Family members of temporary foreign workers will now be able to apply for work permits, according to Sean Fraser, minister of immigration, refugees, and citizenship, who made the announcement on Friday."Family members' access to work permits is growing in Canada! Beginning in 2023, a principal applicant's spouse and children will be qualified to work in Canada "Duncan tweeted.In a press release, he stated that extending the eligibility for work permits to relatives who are travelling to Canada with the primary applicant "will help address labour shortages by assisting employers in finding the workers they need."

According to Fraser, employers continue to cite a labour shortage as their main challenge nationwide.He claimed that the new measure, which will allow family members of over 200,000 foreign workers to work in Canada, will help employers find the workers they need to fill their labour shortages by extending work permits to family members at all skill levels.

Before this change, a spouse could only get a work permit if the main applicant was employed in a high-skill job.By preserving families, the new policy seeks to enhance the mental health, physical fitness, and financial security of workers. As a result, Fraser said, it is anticipated that the employee will integrate better into their overall work environment and community.The statement said that beginning in January 2023, Canada will extend eligibility to work in the country to spouses and working-age children through a phased approach for workers of all skill levels. This measure is temporary and will last for two years.

According to the new strategy, "more than 200,000 family members of foreign workers could start working in Canada, offering a greater opportunity for both foreign workers seeking employment in Canada and for employers addressing their labour needs," it said.To ensure the measure's successful implementation, it will be carried out in three stages.

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